
Srž ( working title )

PREMIERE October 2025.

Questioning the position of the artist in a situation of collapsed culture, distorted values, control and possession, by using the concept of the Brechtian approach to the stage, the play deals with the relationship of the artist to his work in the conditions dictated by the market of mass production of content.
Lost between reality and fiction, using the analog method of animating images on an overhead projector, scanimation, in the function of an interactive scenography that follows the dramaturgical structure, the main protagonists play a play within a play.
Dominantly using the manipulation of objects with the very present technique of clown, physical theatre and music that is created on the spot, this performance represents a kind of sociological experiment of the life of an artist in a certain environment.
Authors and performers: Milan Manić, Vladana Manić
Music: Aleksandar Radojičić Šojka
Scenography: Aleksandar Popović Zverko (Karkatag collective)
Production: Cirkusfera

The project was supported by: Circus Residential Network, KC Magacin, Cirkobalkana, Bitef

Financial support: French Institute and French Embassy in Serbia through the circus=art
project, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, City of Belgrade