[:rs]Festival Cirkobalkana 2015 biće održan od 26. septembra do 4. oktobra u Beogradu, u dvorištu stare Ciglane. Naglasak ovogodišnjeg programa Cirkobalkane stavljen je na rezidencijalni program u sklopu kojeg je nastala predstava “Radovan”, na edukaciji kroz radionice u okviru projekta Laboratorija cirkuske umetnosti i prezentaciji cirkuske scene regiona kroz Open Stage.

Cirkobalkana je projekat međunarodne saradnje cirkuskih organizacija koji su 2013. godine pokrenule Cirkusfera, Cirkorama i „Le Cirk’Oblique“.
Osnovna namera Cirkobalkane je da se, pored postavljanja cirkuskog šatora kao nezavisnog edukativnog, kreativnog i izvođačkog prostora, poduče lokalne cirkuske organizacije i umetnici po pitanju funkcionisanja, kreiranja i održivosti kako “putujućeg” performansa, tako i cirkuskog šatora, te da se uspostavi kontakt s lokalnom publikom i cirkuskim umetnicima u regiji.
Cirkobalkani se ove godine priključuje umetnička cirkuska trupa „My!Laika“ iz Francuske kroz sopstveni projekat „Side kunst cirque“ i predstavom “The great tegada”.
Ovogodišnja Cirkobalkana je ujedno i početak dugoročnijeg projekta “Cirkobalkana platforma”, koji je podržan od strane Balkan art and culture fund-a (BAC), a kojem se priključuje i Bosna i Hercegovina kroz učešće Fabrike radosti iz Banjaluke, te cirkuska škola Turbul iz Francuske. Prošle godine Cirkobalkana je bila deo programa Bitef Polifonije, a ove godine u Zagrebu se odvijala u sklopu Rendez-vous festivala (Festivala Francuske u Hrvatskoj).
Dodatak ovogodišnjem festivalu su Radionice cirkuske pedagogije, koje će se održati u KPGT-u od 5. do 9. oktobra.
Više informacija o festivalu možete pronaći na sajtu[:en]Cirkobalkana Festival 2015 will be held from 26 September to 4 October in Belgrade, in the yard of an old brick factory. The emphasis of this year’s Cirkobalkana program is placed on residential program, as part of which performances „Radovan“ was created, the education through workshops within the project of the Laboratory of circus art and the presentation of circus scenes region through the Open Stage.

Cirkobalkana is a project of international cooperation of circus organizations that launched this project in 2013, Cirkusfera, Cirkorama and „Le Cirk’Oblique“.
The main intention Cirkobalkana is that, besides setting up a circus tent as an independent educational, creative and performing space, teach circus local organizations and artists about the performance, creation and sustainability as „traveling“ performances and a circus tent, and to establish contact with local audience and circus artists in the region.
To this year Cirkobalkana circus arts troops „My! Laika“ from France joins the project, through its own project „Side kunst cirque“ and the play „The great tegada“.
This year’s Cirkobalkana is also the beginning of a long-term project „Cirkobalkana platform“, which is supported by the Balkan art and culture fund’s (BAC), and which is connected to Bosnia and Herzegovina through participation Factorie of joy from Banja Luka and a circus school Turbulli from France .Last year’s Cirkobalkana was part of the program Bitef Polyphony and this year in Zagreb took place as part of the Rendez-vous Festival (Festival of France in Croatia).
Addition to this year’s festival are workshops of circus pedagogy, which will be held in KPGT from 5 to 9 October.
More information about the festival can be found at the